EUCASS-3AF 2022 - A great success!

After Moscow (2005), Brussels (2007), Versailles (2009), Saint Petersburg (2011), Munich (2013), Krakow (2015), Milano (2017) and Madrid (2019)

The 9th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences

took place at Lille Grand Palais from June 27 to July 1st 2022 with the support of 3AF.


Shifted from 2021 to 2022 because of the covid pandemic, EUCASS-3AF2022 was the first large meeting "in person" for our community. Despite the persistence of a latent pandemic and the war in Europe, the conference gathered around 500 participants, mainly Europeans.

It hosted 8 transdiciplinary topics, including two sessions organised by EASN.



EUCASS is the second largest aerospace conference in the World, and first of its kind in Europe since 2005.

Eucass was founded by a group of European scientists and engineers in order to provide, on the European continent, a high quality forum for the world aerospace scientific community. It is operated by the best specialists in EU, Russia and NIS. It attracts all players, research scientists, engineers, managers and decision makers, world over. It positions itself at the service of agencies and industry and strives to reduce the time to market of discoveries in academic laboratories. Its goal is to foster the competitiveness of its end users, industry and agencies alike.

For our next conference  EUCASS is joined by CEAS for the Aerospace Europe Conference in Lausanne (Joint 10th Eucass and 9th CEAS conferences)

This conference will be organized by the EUCASS association and a local committee from EPFL .


Event pictures

You can use the photos for your external communication and social networks but mention the copyright ©Barbara Grossmann



Participants can find their papers with the EUCASS Search Engine





Event archive


This event was co-chaired by: