2013 ATW, Fundamentals of Aerodynamic Flow and Combustion Control by Plasmas

Archived Workshop Webpage


2013 Aerospace Thematic Workshop at Aussois

Fundamentals of Aerodynamic Flow and Combustion Control by Plasmas

CNRS Conference Centre Paul Langevin, Aussois, France


Final Program available here.

This 2013 AEROSPACE THEMATIC WORKSHOP will take place during the week 7 – 12 April 2013 in the French Alps. This conference is the fourth of a cycle of conferences dedicated to the fundamental issues in the scientific disciplines relevant to aeronautics and space development. The series started in Villa Monastero, Italy, in 2007, and continued in Les Houches in 2009 and 2011.

The conference is organized by:
- Prof. Christophe Laux (Chair, Ecole Centrale);
- Prof. Svetlana Starikovskaia (vice-Chairperson, Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique);
- Prof. Walter Lempert (vice-Chairperson, OSU);
- Dr. Jean-Pierre Taran (Onera) local organization.

Scientific Advising Committee:
- Prof. Igor Adamovich (Ohio State)
- Prof. Thomas Bowman (Stanford University)
- Prof. Mark A Cappelli (Stanford University)
- Prof. Yiguang Ju (Princeton University)
- Dr. J. Daniel Kelley (University of Minnesota)
- Prof. Doyle Knight (Rutgers)
- Prof. Michael Kong (University of Loughborough)
- Dr. Sergey Leonov (IVTAN, Russia)
- Prof. Richard Miles (Princeton University)
- Dr. Tim Ombrello (AFRL)
- Prof. Christian Paschereit (TU Berlin)
- Dr. Denis Packan (ONERA)
- Dr. David Pai (CNRS Poitiers)
- Dr. Axel Vincent (ONERA)

The programme features twenty one invited lectures. Presentations will address fundamental issues, experimental challenges, measurement methods and advanced numerical simulation. In addition, participants are encouraged to submit communications in poster format for review by the Committee. To foster the exchange of novel ideas, there will be no papers nor proceedings.

Download the programme.

Registration and relevant documents

The Application Form must be used to apply for participation to the workshop. When your application is accepted, your room will be reserved by us and you will receive from us a notification and an invoice via email.

If you wish to apply, please e-mail the Application Form to Jean-Pierre Taran soon because we anticipate that the workshop will be over-subscribed.

The Poster-Submission Form is required if you wish to submit a poster presentation. Complete information concerning posters is contained on that form.

Application form: download .doc or .pdf
Poster-Submission Form: download .doc or .pdf


Regular (early bird) fee: 460 euros if application is received by 1st March.
Fee increases to 530 euros on 2nd March.
NIS country nationals: 250 euros increasing to 300 on 2nd March;
Students: 190 euros increasing to 230 on 2nd March.
The fee is to be paid by bank transfer to Beneficiary Eucass:
IBAN BE07 0015 0676 5866
Please be sure to mention “ATW plasma” and your name to facilitate tracking of your payment.
In addition to the workshop fees, there will be a flat rate fee for accommodation, lunches, dinners and coffee breaks of 420 euros (rate from Sunday evening till Friday in single room). This fee must be paid directly to the Paul Langevin Center upon arrival. It is possible to stay in a double room for a reduced fee of 370 euros. Please indicate this on sending the application form.
Payment can be made by credit card (except American Express), check or cash.


The Paul Langevin conference centre is located at an elevation of 1500 m, 7 km from the city of Modane with direct rail links to Paris and Turin. For details, please consult

>> Easy access at all seasons.

  • by road, motorway and/or railway (TGV to Modane from Paris).
  • by plane: national airports (Chambéry, Annecy) or international airports (Lyon, Geneva,Turin) and direct link with Modane by motorway.

Bus rental available in Modane for pick-up or tour

>> Access map


For information, contact Christa Balzer
Tel : +33 (0) 4 79 20 42 05
Fax : +33 (0) 4 79 20 30 44


S. Starikovskaia svetlana.starikovskaya /@/ lpp.polytechnique.fr
C. Laux Christophe.Laux /@/ em2c.ecp.fr
J-P. Taran Jean-Pierre.Taran /@/ onera.fr

We look forward to meeting you at Aussois!

Contacted partners and sponsors

We wish to thank the following organizations for their contribution to the success of this conference: European Office of Aerospace Research and Development, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, (www.london.af.mil), ANR (/www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr), E-CAero (www.e-caero.com/) CNRS (www.cnrs.fr) and Onera (www.onera.fr).