23/01/1946 - 29/11/2020
Dear Colleagues,
This is a very sad announcement. Vladimir Fortov, a dear colleague from the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) passed away on 29 November. Vladimir has greatly contributed to the launching of Eucass and we are all very much indebted to him. Our first conference, held in 2005 in Moscow, was handled by RAS and TsAGI, in association with ONERA in France.
Vladimir was also bestowed with the French Legion of Honour.
Paris, 21/11/2006, CNES head office, French astronaut Claudie Haigneré (who performed for him and his team an experiment on plasma crystals during one of her space lights in 2001) bestows the Legion of Honour to Vladimir.
The announcement received from his Moscow colleagues with a short biography can be found here.
JP Taran
17/06/1941 - 02/11/2019
Max Calabro was a cheerful and enlightened man. He believed in the European dream, a dream where all countries of the continent would buttress the values of democracy and progress hand in hand for the advancement of aerospace sciences, his dear field.
From the very beginning in January 2004 until just a few months ago, he supported the Eucass project with absolute dedication. He was remarkably apt at visiting and assessing the value and attractiveness of conference sites. Until very recently and since the very beginning, he managed the conference programmes and contributed to the elaboration of the opening ceremonies and plenary sessions of invited presentations.
His field of expertise was rocket propulsion. A graduate of the Lyon (France) INSA engineering school, he served SEREB, then Aérospatiale, which was to become EADS. He took part in the UNMOVIC UNO mission to Iraq in his capacity of ballistics expert. He was distinguished as AIAA Fellow, SRTC Emeritus member, IAF IPC member and 3AF Emeritus member. He also was a member of the IAA.